Yes, it’s planting night and the feeling’s right…

One planting night and a Dig the City planning meeting this week, Gorgeous Gorse Hillians!

Loads to do, so if you can pop out even for 10 mins, or to chuck some water on the tree pits, that’d be brilliant!

Weds 24th June, 6.30pm – Avondale/Chester Rd planters
Thurs 15th June, 7.00pm – Dig the City Planning meeting, Community Room, Stretford High Leisure Centre

Tree Pits

One of the abiding beliefs behind the Gorgeous Gorse Hill group, is in the ability of plants and flowers to create a feeling of positivity when you see them – hence why we’re aiming to fill Gorse Hill with fruit, veg, herbs and brightly coloured flowers.

When the group started nearly two years ago, one of the first things we started doing was sticking bulbs, seeds and plants into the tree pits. Most streets have a tree pit or two (and Gorse Street: a whopping 22!), and if seeing a gaudy tulip or a cheeky poppy as you trudge to work, puts a small smile on your face, or even makes your heart skip a little, we’ve done our job.11257232_10206661947525769_1344989690854940360_n Continue reading

A Leap of Faith

The idea of Gorgeous Gorse Hill came about just under two years ago – two years; can you believe it! We went from an idea – a thought about turning the expanse of grey metal and scruffy grass that populates Gorse Hill into a fully functioning community group with a committee and everything. We’ve even got accounts! Accounts!

Today, I had an interview with the lovely Izzie from Durham University who is doing her thesis on guerrilla gardening. It was lovely talking to her about our project, how it came about, what it means to us and where we fit into the guerrilla gardening movement.

I think we aren’t pure guerrilla gardeners although we do maintain some of their principles and I feel that our planting of the tree pits last year can be perfectly described as guerrilla gardening.

Sweet peas Continue reading

I want to be a Community Leader

One of the wonderful John Shuttleworth’s creations pokes gentle fun at those of us who get involved in community activism. Community leader is not one that sits well with me, I see Gorgeous Gorse Hill as a team working to improve our area with the consensus and support of our fellow residents. One of my greatest fears is that our gorgeous vision is not one of the majority of the community.

Notice Board Continue reading

Summer Beauty

Wow we’ve been busy in Gorse Hill the past few weeks; we’ve certainly taken advantage of this glorious weather.

One of the most wonderful things that has happened is that the BT exchange boxes have been decorated – I’ve secretly been looking forward to this the most but it felt like we were waiting a lifetime for the designs to be signed off by BT. But now they are in place our marvellous artist Rob did such a good job interpreting Gorse Hill Scouts designs the boxes have really caused a buzz! (sorry)BeeHere’s a taste of the designs but you can find them all on our new interactive map, the map has the locations of the boxes plus areas of planting – this map will continue to grow and develop as our work grows and develops. Continue reading

Roller Shutters from Grim to Gorgeous!

Things are starting in Gorse Hill, meetings are being held, planters viewed, designs being designed and compost ordered!

We have our locations picked out that we will focus the Better Together funding on – these are in addition to the roller shutters that will be decorated.

You can see the locations, along with an ideas board to let you see what we are aiming for: Gorse_Hill_site_locations__LA1

Exciting times ahead – the next activity is for residents to come and view the local Gorse Hill Primary School pupils’ designs and cast your votes for your favourites – the winning designs will grace the roller shutters.

Here are the Top 15 winning designs – I hope you spot your favourite. There are some beauties. Thanks to Target Cafe for hosting the art show and the 39 wonderful Gorse Hillians who came out to vote. The designs will now be passed to Unity Arts to be developed ready for the shop owners to choose the one they want on their shutter.